Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy posts.

Life is so busy! Camping this weekend, Las Vegas on Monday-Friday, Regatta next Saturday. No time to practice! and P is having a baby sometime in there! ah!!! This month is turning into whirl-wind!!

Last night I went to the last Party in the Park. Summer is officially over.
Tomorrow I am going to go shopping for some cute fall clothes.
I might even buy football tickets for some game-- high school? NFL? Who knows-- football = fall.

Since this is a brief post, I read someone's first blog today; the theme of her blog was happy things. I think that is a good theme; if i ever look back on what I write on here I wont want to think about those things that got me down- only those things that are uplifting and happy. So, new motto. I am happy. This is a happy post.

1 comment:

ann ominous said...

it tries to be happy. not so much right now. i'm about to disown Ohio.

*sigh* football is making me a very unhappy poster!!!!!

:-) ah's not like we're behind more than 20...oh wait. now we are.

crap. :-)