Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Wednesday

I came into work in a pretty damn good mood today, despite the awful sleep i have been getting as of late. And I mean really bad sleep-- waking up ALL.THE.TIME. Ugh, i hate it. But i just want to describe the good mood, and free therapy, being surrounded by good people can really do for you.

Last night i had made plans a week or so ago with J and A to go out for my birthday. Well, we aren't fancy, we just wanted to see each other and so Panera by my house was decided upon. And I just want to say it was so great to be able to see them. SO. great. they are incredible friends to me. We closed the place, we talked for OVER 3 hours. So much to catch up on, nothing major, just stuff. And it was awesome. It made me feel so good about my life, and how lucky i am, and how much i really cherish the good friends i do have in my life.

That day also included a really happy (and appreciative) phone call from E, and then i got a package in the mail from K in Chicago!! It was an incredibly full filling day, it was so uplifting, and i went to bed just really, really happy. It felt like that was the first day in a while that i just finished the day and the highest note in the book. I realized (well, i guess it wasn't a revelation) that i dont need to worry about those in my life that dont care about me. I dont need lots of friends, i just need a few incredible ones. And those are the ones that will make me feel the best anyways.

Before i went to bed Matt and I ate a huge cookie that A bought for me, watched a silly game show on TV, and i snuggled up in bed. Tonight i am planning on going out with E to see Valerie who moved to Atlanta a couple months ago. I hope it;s a fun night, but that i can get to bed at a decent time. I am not much in the mood to be tired the rest of the week.

I am glad a made a few minutes to write today, i was on the verge of turning sour through this work day. But this helped. I need to remember this.

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