Monday, June 27, 2011

End of June update

I cant believe it's the last week in June. Time is FLYING.  I haven't been updating my blog much, this is a busy time at work and after work life seems never dull. I don't know where to begin to update since my last post. I guess Ill go a week back. The weekend before last weekend  Matt and i grilled out with our friends B, A, and C and utilized our patio set outside. We made  kabobs and marinated chicken and streak in a delicious homemade marinade A gave me, and grilled zucchini, squash, mushrooms and peppers (i think?) in another homemade marinade and both turned out delicious. Matt also picked up a few lobster tails on a skewers and those were a big hit. We talked and played games and had a nice evening. I guess last Sunday was also Father's day, so the N's had a combined party with my sister's in laws family and my husbands family and we grilled out and hung out with them for the afternoon. Her family is so nice so it's always enjoyable.

Last week i was in DC for the majority of it. I was in the Office on Monday, Friday and part of the day on Thursday.  Thursday I went to a cooking class with A up at Jungle Jim's and had a nice time, but i don't think will make any of the recipes. We made grilled chicken  and i didn't think the marinade was all that notable. We also made salad (nothing too notable here), a mayonnaise based potato salad that was just OK, and cornbread. I liked the cornbread but, again, it was nothing i would rave about. 

This past weekend was also quite relaxing but busy. Friday night I spent with Matt since i barely saw him at all the week before. We tried a new place in Mt. Lookout Sq called Pera, it was like a Mediterranean restaurant similar to Aladdins. But i think i like Aladdin's better.  We got hummus, grape leaves, a Sheppard salad and we split a shish kabob dinner. It was good but it was not a lot of food. We both enjoyed it though. I also made homemade skyline chili  on Saturday morning since i am always up a couple hours before Matt is.   My best friend gave me the recipe so i was able to make it was the leanest beef i could find. It had all the flavors and spices as you would find at the actual Skyline: Cocoa, cumin, cinnamon, all spice, curry, salt, pepper, a bay leaf. I am sure i forgot a few spices. Matt tried it and loves it. And i don't feel so guilty eating it because i know exactly what went in it. I cant wait for dinner tonight! 

So Saturday night we saw B and A again and went to Bonefish for dinner, played put-put,  and went out to ice cream at Brusters. Yum! It was a relaxing night i loved it. Sunday was with the N's again, and went to his second cousins grad party our in the boonies. It was fun, the food was good, and it's always fun seeing his fam. All in all, it was a nice weekend. Even got lots of yard work taken care of (although it never seems to end!).

This week we have filled up with lots of Day Care visits. We need to get one picked sooner than later because i have been learning that those near our house are filled up with wait lists.  So i have to start now for an early spring slot. It should be interesting, i hope we find one we like. It will make for a busy week.

I am excited for July because it's the month (i hope) we can find out the sex of the baby! gosh, it will be fun to start planning.  Then we can actually start registering for stuff. And think about baby's room!  Matt is SO excited, he tells me every day- multiple times a day- how much he cant wait to meet the baby. And how much he cant wait for the baby to get her so he can actually start helping me. Since he says he doesn't do much now. Believe it or not he does way more than he thinks.  I complain a little bit more than i should; about being tired, not being able to sleep in a comfortable position, my clothes not fitting,... o probably more than i should. He is so supportive.   And i know generally speaking this pregnancy so far is a breeze compared to others. I shouldn't complain so much. I do know how much i am... i am so lucky to be married to such a perfect husband.

Cant wait to see what this month will bring. 4 more weeks closer to my due date-- AND the half way point! crazy how quickly time flies!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Thank gosh it's friday

What a week! I am so tired today, SOO tired. I stayed up pretty late and didnt get home until 11:15pm since i was at one of my good friend J's dad's Celebration of Life.  Her dad who has been struggling with ALS passed away on Friday night/Saturday morning in his sleep. This week was the funeral visitation, and instead of burial ceremony they had a Celebration of Life. Her dad wasn't one for organized religion, although very well educated on the ideas and grew up around it. So they family did it exactly the way he would have wanted it. And i must say it was incredible.  People always say they want a party for their funeral and have people enjoy themselves, well this guy pulled it off!   They had the celebration a the Wilder Community center with catered food and an open bar, and an overall hugely upbeat atmosphere!  Ive never been to anything like it. They had a number of speeches given by close friends and relatives and they were all amazing. I have never seen so many well-spoken people who were able to honor someones life so well. The stories and the laughter in the room was so cool. Of course there were lots of tears, as it's always sad to hear about how much he loved his family and how much he will be missed. But it really was something to remember.

I am glad it's finally Friday, i am ready for some rest this weekend if nothing else.  We have some yard work to get done and we are meeting my parents in Columbus for dinner on Saturday night. Not sure what else we will do, it's supposed to be cooler and nice this weekend so hopefully i can get out to walk and enjoy it. I haven't had much time to exercise this week, or well, really the last couple weeks. And will be out of town for work again in about a week. Hopefully this is the last trip for a while.

No baby updates to tell this week, other than more people are learning about the news. We told some college friends last week at my good friend, F', cookout last weekend. They were nice, but not really that excited for me.  Well, at least that's how it felt. But i am not going to over analyze that situation, it just isnt worth the time anymore.  I am telling a few more co-workers these days, they have been great about it.  I am not really sure how much longer i can hide it, i feel my clothes getting so tight which makes me think the secret has to come out soon.

That's all for now. Until next time!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My weekend, my week, my night and my dinner.

Yesterday i was feeling pretty grumbly and bloated all day, i haven't been eating all that well the last few days, and my clothes are definitely feeling tighter and tighter. It was an OK day but it really ended up being one of the better week days. I went into the office at 7am with Matt because he had to be in early, and we got to leave work at 4 and that felt SO early. We had tons of time to do stuff after work. We dropped the car off for service, we went to the grocery, and i made an absolutely yummy and healthy meal. I make cooked turkey sandwiches with pesto, arugula, and avocado, and a summer salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and onions with Italian dressing. It was so yummy and healthy. I am making another healthier dinner tonight, and hoping i can keep up the healthy eating habits. It felt good, and matt and I even walked before bed last night... something i need to start doing more of.

This weekend i definitely fell off the healthy wagon, but it was a GREAT weekend to make up for it.  Memorial Day weekend always seems good, it's seems to have been good every year.... at least that is what my memory is telling me right now. Saturday we had a wedding in Dayton for two of our favorite friends-- who were marrying each other-- so it was a VERY happy day. Plus, we got to see tons of great friends all in one place. We started telling people about new baby N and when people saw us this weekend they were UNBELIEVABLY happy! In fact, they were amazing, and i am so blessed to have great friends! The rest of the weekend wasn't too shabby either; on Sunday we had brunch at the hotel and talked to our friends a little while, then headed back and hung out with matt's parents for a little while, grabbed some lunch and were very productive in the yard. We went to the grocery, and make a dish for the part on Sunday, and enjoyed a late dinner together at ichiban. Monday we got up and basically headed straight over to matt's parents for the party and spend the entire day there. It was hot and sunny and spent lots of time by the pool, it was fun catching up with his family who are always great.  Got home around 8ish and  grabbed some Wendy's (which non-pregnant me would have NEVER done) and enjoyed a relaxing evening before bed. It was a great weekend, and so far this week hasn't been bad either.

Thursday i am taking a class at Good Sam hospital about being healthy during pregnancy, i am nervous and excited. Nervous because hospitals are big and i always seem to get lost, but excited because i am hoping to learn a few good things.   Then this weekend i am in town and have another cookout on Saturday with my cinci friends. I am happy to be in town most of this month (with the exception of next saturday), and it feels good to finally be able to plan things without always being on the go.

Yesterday i made my first maternity purchase online, which kind of scares me, i don't like buying online generally. But this constant 90 plus degree heat pushed me over the edge and I bought a swimsuit. I cant wait for it to come, i cant wait to go swimming.  I am happy for summer to be here, the LAST summer pre-baby... i am definitely looking forward to enjoying it!

Here is a pic of my purchase.

Until next time!....