Thursday, October 8, 2009

IM BACKK!!!!! Quick wedding update but not much else

Today is my first day back at work from the BEST honeymoon in hawaii and the most beutifully perfect wedding i could have ever asked for!!! Wow, it seems like it happened in a blink of an eye, i barely remember the details and the little things and all the magical moments that seems to pass so quickly. It was truely the best day.

I dont have much time, i already have a huge and pressing deadline today at work, i cant believe it. I just wanted a quiet day to catch up. But here are a few candid snapshots i pulled from facebook this morning of the wedding. Ill post some professional pictures once i get them, i CANNOT wait to see those.

Ill post more details about the wedding and honeymoon soon... until then:


ann ominous said...

gooooooooooooooooooooorgggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeouuuuuuuuuuuuus :-)

ann ominous said...

that's supposed to say 'goooooooorgeous'

Heather said...

everything looks soooo beautiful! can't wait to hear more about it!!!